ExpertiseControl Facitilies

Related Projects

Basic and Execution Project and Project Management for the implementation of Access Control in Hangars of the Airbus Factories of San Pablo Sur and San Pablo Norte (Seville) Spain

Integral Reform of the Radiodiagnosis and Magnetic Resonance Installations in the Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez (Huelva) Spain

Improving Energy Efficiency in the San Pablo Sur Factory España

Annex Building for Energy and Functional Optimisation in Hangar A1 at Airbus Getafe Spain

Execution Project for the Refurbishment of Laboratory in D4E Building Spain

Complete refurbishment of the A2 industrial building with modernisation of air conditioning, lighting and creation of new functional spaces such as changing rooms, rest area and workshop that will support the A320 production area Spain

Ingeniería para Ejecución de Plantas Fotovoltaicas en Montalto di Castro (Italia) Italy

Project for the Integration of Filtration and Purification Systems by Photocatalysis in the HVAC System of the EXPO-Building, Seville España

Biomass Steam Generation Plant at the Airbus Factory in Illescas, Spain Spain

Magnetic Levitation District Cooling for Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (HUVR) in Seville Spain