ExpertiseEnergy consulting

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Improving Energy Efficiency in the San Pablo Sur Factory España

Ingeniería para Ejecución de Plantas Fotovoltaicas en Montalto di Castro (Italia) Italy

Project for the Integration of Filtration and Purification Systems by Photocatalysis in the HVAC System of the EXPO-Building, Seville España

Biomass Steam Generation Plant at the Airbus Factory in Illescas, Spain Spain

Magnetic Levitation District Cooling for Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (HUVR) in Seville Spain

LEED Gold Sustainable Building Spain

Cajamar Head Office

Factories, Training Centers and Simulators 

Factories and Auxiliary Buildings for the Aeronautic Sector 

Hangar Recovery Center A400M Spain

Partial Interior Refurbishment of Building A in Airbus Factory Spain

Design and direction of partial interior reform works