Airbus and Savener Launch “GREEN FACTORY”, an Innovative Vegetation Moisture Control Project

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In a pioneering move towards sustainability in the aerospace industry, Savener has launched the innovative pilot project “GREEN FACTORY” in collaboration with Airbus. This project, located in hall H3 of the Airbus SPS factory in Seville, explores the use of specially selected vegetation to control humidity in production areas, where specific environmental conditions are required for the application of sealants in aircraft manufacturing.

After several feasibility studies carried out by Savener, which demonstrated the potential of plants to naturally regulate humidity in the production environment, the “GREEN FACTORY” project is launched with the aim of testing the results in real conditions. This approach is not only innovative for its application in aeronautical manufacturing, but also represents significant energy and water savings compared to traditional mechanical humidification systems.

Plants have great potential to naturally regulate humidity in the production environment

The pilot study, which will last at least six months, aims to collect data to corroborate initial estimates on the moisture contribution of the plants to the environment. This project is not only aimed at improving resource efficiency, but also at creating a healthier and more sustainable working environment for employees.

The “GREEN FACTORY” initiative stands out as a pioneering project worldwide in the aerospace industry, demonstrating Savener and Airbus’ continued commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility in their operations.

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Airbus and Savener Launch “GREEN FACTORY”, an Innovative Vegetation Moisture Control Project