Savener advances in the facultative management of the ITE project in the Airbus Factory in Tablada, Seville

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Savener continues to consolidate its role as a strategic ally of Airbus in the management and modernisation of its facilities, leading the facultative management of the Technical Inspection of Buildings (ITE) project at the historic factory in Tablada, Seville. This key project is part of the ambitious infrastructure maintenance and upgrading strategy that Airbus has entrusted to Savener.

Recent progress on the roof refurbishment has included the demolition of the iconic roof cassette on the north side of hall E, a space that previously housed a now dismantled paint oven. This crucial step allows for the subsequent rehabilitation of the area, paving the way for the continuation of the development of the new roof and skylight.

The intervention covers an area of 160 m² at a height of approximately 10 metres

The intervention, which covers a surface area of 160 m² at a height of approximately 10 metres, includes the installation of a new roof made of sheet metal and sandwich panel, as well as the demolition of the old installation’s bench. In addition, the extension of the hangar roof structure is envisaged, which will allow for a significant improvement in the working conditions and energy efficiency of the space.

This project represents a high-level technological challenge, as it requires maintaining the ship’s internal production while modernisation operations and infrastructure upgrades are carried out. Savener has once again demonstrated its capacity to face complex challenges, effectively coordinating the construction phases and guaranteeing the safety and continuity of operations.

With this performance, Savener reinforces its position as Airbus’ trusted engineering partner, leading projects that not only upgrade existing facilities, but also ensure that the factories are ready to face the challenges of the future.

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Savener advances in the facultative management of the ITE project in the Airbus Factory in Tablada, Seville