Savener successfully completes the improvement works on the pluvial drainage installation of the H2 warehouse of the AIRBUS Factory in San Pablo Sur


Savener has successfully completed the improvement works on the pluvial sanitation installation in the H2 warehouse of the AIRBUS factory, located in San Pablo Sur. The works, carried out during the weeks of August, were carried out taking advantage of the production stoppage of the building, which allowed the interventions to be carried out without affecting the production process of the plant.

The solution implemented by Savener responds to the need to solve the recurring problems of overflowing of the existing downpipe manhole, which on previous occasions had caused flooding inside the hangar. To this end, the manhole has been modified, providing it with greater depth and hydraulic capacity to ensure correct evacuation of rainwater.

The layout of the buried pipes connected to the rainwater drainage network has been modified, optimising their functionality and guaranteeing a better performance of the system in conditions of heavy rainfall

In addition, the layout of the buried pipes connected to the rainwater drainage network has been modified, optimising their functionality and guaranteeing a better performance of the system in conditions of heavy rainfall. This intervention ensures a long-lasting and efficient solution, in line with the highest quality and safety standards, characteristics that define Savener’s projects.

With this action, Savener reaffirms its commitment to innovation and excellence in the development of engineering solutions that contribute to the improvement of critical infrastructures for customers such as AIRBUS.

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Savener successfully completes the improvement works on the pluvial drainage installation of the H2 warehouse of the AIRBUS Factory in San Pablo Sur