- Location: Muscat, Oman
- Key Data: Desalinated water production capacity: 100,000 m3/d
- Technology: Reverse Osmosis
- Client: GS-INIMA
The new BARKA V desalination plant, located 58 kilometres west of the capital, Muscat (Oman), has a capacity of 100,000 m3/day and will supply drinking water to a population of 800,000 people. It is a desalination plant that uses reverse osmosis technology for desalination.
The reverse osmosis process consists of applying very high pressure (80 bar) to a salt water solution and passing it through a semi-permeable membrane whose function is to allow the solvent (water) to pass through, but not the solute (dissolved salts). It is currently the most widespread and widely used water desalination system in the world.
Savener, with extensive previous experience in water desalination projects, has carried out on this occasion the Design, Basic and Detailed Engineering of the entire new plant; this has entailed the development of the engineering of the disciplines of Process, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Piping and Instrumentation and Control, as well as the BIM 3D modelling of the entire plant, using a total of more than 60,000 hours of engineering.

It should be noted that, in order to carry out projects of this magnitude within the deadlines set, which are usually very tight, exhaustive coordination is required between the different disciplines and, therefore, between the different multidisciplinary work teams involved in the project.
In order to achieve these goals, Savener, in addition to relying on BIM modelling, which allows interferences to be detected sufficiently in advance during the design phase, has its own procedures and tools to optimise the development, monitoring and control of the work and the management of resources and time. This translates into obtaining a high level of competitiveness that makes Savener a benchmark company in the development of this type of project.

Barka V has required maximum commitment and effort on the part of the team that has developed it and represents a great pride and motivation to continue advancing and contributing, within the water sector, generating increasingly important infrastructures for the sustainable future of the planet and the wellbeing of people.