SAVENER was chosen by AIRBUS for the Design and Development of a highly efficient Centralized Cooling System which will replace the current system. The final system will be able to satisfy the thermal demand of 40,760 m2 of space distributed amongst various hangar-type buildings and office buildings.
The final project will have a total cooling capacity of 8 Mw. This project entails the refurbishment of the present system to a global District Cooling, creating a highly efficient, strong, reliable and flexible end result.
In general terms, the system created will have a subsystem of generation based on air-cooling plants featuring magnetic levitation technology, a distribution network that uses variable flow control and terminal units such as UTA and Fan-coil designed to function on variable water and air flow. Stage 1 of the final project – that includes part of the subsystem of the Cooling Plant – has been completed. Overall, the installation and start-up procedure of a 3.6Mw cooling system was completed with an investment of 1.5 million Euros.

The execution of this first stage presented a challenge, as it was to be carried out without interrupting the general running of the factory nor the cooling system. To achieve this, it was carried out into two phases, with an intermediate situation in which both the old and the new system were running.
SAVENER has carried out the Analysis and Design of the final solution, the Project Management, the development of the Execution Project, the Project Management and also the Health and Safety coordination.
The completed system will become the greatest ever built in Europe using this kind of technology.