Ingeniería para Ejecución de Plantas Fotovoltaicas en Montalto di Castro (Italia)

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Ingeniería para Ejecución de Plantas Fotovoltaicas en Montalto di Castro (Italia)
  • Location: Montalto di Castro – Viterbo (Italy)
  • Key Data: 46 Ha of implantation surface. 50.62 MWp Implanted peak power. 46.45 MVA Emission power. 73,530 PV modules of 685/690 Wp.
  • Technology: Photovoltaic
  • Client: Elecnor

Savener has completed the Execution Engineering for the implementation of 3 new Photovoltaic plants in Montalto di Castro, province of Viterbo (Italy).

This is the installation of an infrastructure for the production of electrical energy by means of photovoltaic technology developed in 3 locations in the aforementioned locality with a total peak power of 50.625 MWp and a capacity to emit a Nominal power of 45.1 MW (AC). The array is connected to the Rete di Trasmissione Nazionale (RTN) through a new 150 kV substation by means of three 30 kV antennas from each of the fields that make up the array.

The photovoltaic field will consist of 73,530 fixed panels with peak powers of 685/690 Wp installed at an inclination of 15° and perfect south orientation. For this purpose, state-of-the-art panels are used with yields of around 22.2% (@STC), maximum values for this type of technology.

The direct current network is transformed into alternating current at 30 kV in different power stations arranged in the generation fields (Power Stations), containing the necessary high-efficiency inverter elements with yields of up to 99.02 % and voltage elevation, generating a single output for each field.

The installation occupies a surface area of approximately 46 hectares

The installation occupies a surface area of approximately 46 hectares, giving an installation ratio of 1.10 MWp/Ha, which is certainly a high value for installations of this type.

In addition to the main electrical installation, civil engineering has been developed for the implementation of the plant with the definition of access roads, runoff analysis, implementation of erosion attenuation elements and fundamentally the studies and calculations of the foundations of the building with finite element programmes, including the seismic loads so important and complex in this area of Italy and so demanding on the part of the administration and the steps to obtain the building permits from the different administrations.

Another important part of the project was the studies for compliance with the requirements of the Fire Brigade (Vigili dil Fuoco) and their complete processing.

Finally, other types of studies have also been developed to complete the previous ones, such as the corresponding Acoustic, Environmental Impact, Visual Impact on the surroundings, Impact on the surrounding flora and fauna and description of archaeological areas.

For this purpose, Savener has provided the client with a multidisciplinary team made up of technicians from different specialities. The most complete and technically accepted calculation programmes were available. For a better understanding of the administrative needs, our technical team in Italy, with extensive experience in this type of installation, has been involved in order to be able to respond to the technical, regulatory and administrative challenges faced in this complex project.