Within the aeronautical sector, where SAVENER has plenty of experience, our firm has been designing large scale projects and interventions around the globe in recent years, including factories for the assembly and manufacture of airplanes, auxiliary facilities and roadways.
SAVENER has developed the latest and most advanced production models for making aerostructures in different locations around the world. It designed the latest FAL (Final Assembly Line) factories, and those known as SuperFal for the major powers in the sector.
The great variety of these infrastructures includes assembly hangars dedicated to smaller parts and Megahangars for final assembly (FAL) where the last parts are mounted on the airplanes. It has also developed projects for workshops and auxiliary spaces, for working on propellers, engines and auxiliary parts, as well as setting aside areas for engine testing (run ups).
SAVENER has also designed other buildings, such as Training Centers. These are infrastructures that house the latest versions of the airplane simulators and all the installations they need to run, spaces for pilot training with classrooms and other spaces associated with flight operations lessons.
The auxiliary infrastructures include storage bays, taxiways, the installations of rain tests, painting bays…
Given the special requirements of these installations, they call for very specific knowledge of the aeronautical sector, a highly qualified specialist team and the most advanced simulation and design tools. SAVENER has a solid grasp of the knowledge and resources necessary for this type of project, as it has shown throughout its track record and the different designs that it has created and is currently working on in different countries.