In the Palmas Altas Technology Centre in Seville, SAVENER was commissioned to adapt one of the existing buildings of the complex to the new use of Lecture Rooms for the University de Loyola of Andalusia.

Originally used for administrative purposes, the areas above ground that existed in the building were generally open-space with only some closed areas (offices, meeting rooms, vending machine room and reprography rooms) whilst the basement was used as a laboratory. It is in this context that the upgrade of the premises to adapt them to the new distribution and new uses is to be carried out. Amongst the installations involved and redesigned for this redistribution, are the air-conditioning, electrical installation, plumbing, sewage and telecommunication. SAVENER also carried out a structural analysis, necessary for the opening of new installation ducts, so as to be able to meet the new demands.

The whole project was carried out in coordination with Richard Rogers through its local partner Luis Vidal Architects, respecting at all times the original designs of the building and its aesthetic character within the general complex. For the design and execution of the project the parameters considered were quality, energy efficiency, durability and flexibility of the installation.