Faced with the increasing parking need in their Tablada Factory, situated in Seville, AIRBUS commissioned SAVENER to develop a project for the upgrade of an unused land plot of 5,200 m2 for the creation of 194 parking bays.
The final design was a surface level covered parking lot for 202 vehicles, which was based on an analysis of the circulation and a process of optimization of the available area.

The project was not only centred on creating covered parking bays; it also strived to generate a positive impact on the surroundings. To achieve this, it envisaged a distribution that minimizes circulation and emissions, highly efficient LED technology lighting, a control system with twilight sensors to optimize lighting, and South-facing roofing with an adequate angle for a future insertion of photovoltaic panels; and, of course, it included rest areas to make it more user-friendly.
SAVENER was also commissioned to carry out the Project Management and the Health and Safety Coordination.

The construction works, that were carried out over a period of 3 months, consisted of the partial demolition of the remaining pavement, the incorporation of a rainwater evacuation network, paving of the whole area, lighting installation, placing of new roofing, execution of horizontal and vertical signalling and of the area’s urban furniture (rest areas, pedestrian crossings, etc.) This parking lot represents an increase in the current capacity of the Airbus Tablada factory, that now boasts 202 parking bays in a more modern, efficient and sustainable complex.